4 Reasons Why You Always Fail

Photo by Aslıhan Aslan from Pexels

It's sunny day and I think it's prefect time to cool my mind with positive feeling. So, let me ask you a question before we start the topic. Have you failed getting what you really want? Okay, I could see some people raising their hands if we were in the same room. 

Let's say, everyone has failed in certain level. You don't believe it, Do you? So, I'll give you some examples. May failed to get A for her test, Ron failed to get his dream girl, Suzzie failed to be a medical student, Garry isn't happy with his marriage, Martha has unobedient children, Tom still has small amount of salary. 

You guys see they fail in their own level like May and Suzzie fail as students. Though, Garry and Martha fail as adults. So, the point is we can't assume that our problem is the biggest and the hardest one and nobody knows how it feels. 

You can't imagine how hard it is for Suzzie, May, Tom, Garry and Martha. Maybe it's normal problem for you but not for them. You won't know that May won't have her pocket money  when she don't get A. Are there parents like those ones in this world? If you ask that kind of question, I'll say "yes" but it's not me or you. 

I told you on my another blog post that I failed to be pregnant for almost six years. It's in Bahasa. If you want to read in English or another language, you can translate by clicking option bar on the left side of home page and scrolling to find the translator.

When I failed, I tried to find how to make it work for me. I pray, join classes, and practice how to attract what I really want. Have you ever heard about law of attraction? I tried to learn and do it and guess what! Yes, it totally works. Now, I'm going to show you how.

What Is Law of Attraction?

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Something happens in our lives because of our own thoughts and beliefs. Even, when we don't want it to happen, it is still going to happen because we atrract it. 

For instance, Sam wants to buy a car. He tries to focus on it. But, he knows that he's from poor family. It's difficult to change this situation because he doesn't have enough money to buy it.

This situation is hard for Sam to get what he wants. Sam tries to attract the way to buy a new car but he still can't buy it. Why? Because he doesn't present the feeling of having it . That's the point. 

Presenting the feeling is not only imagine it but also feel the atmosphere of you've already had that car. Feel the smell of new car, how comfortable the seat is, how it feels when you drive that car. Train yourself to feel what you want. God and the universe will guide you to get what you want. You can close your eyes and try to visualize it. 

"The law of attraction demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions produce energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract the positive ones."


Feeling Envious Makes You Fail

Why should you envy someone's life? Do you feel someone's life is better than yours? Do you feel insecure about that? Nah!!

If you have that kind of jealousy, it's not healthy. That's the point. Okay, let me give you another story.

I heard this story from Christina Lie in a discussion room about law of attraction. A mom came home and bought new barbie dolls for her two daughters. The youngest one came to her and felt happy because she has come home. That mom gave the barbie for the youngest daugher. suddenly, she told her sister about what mom gave to her. The elder one said to her little sister that she doesn't like that doll. What an ugly doll! I don't like it! You know what? Mama didn't give her eldest daughter new barbie doll that she have bought. Because, mama thought her eldest one didn't like that doll. 

What is the lesson from that story? The eldest daughter said that to her little sister because she envy her. She thought mama didn't buy another doll for her so that she told her little sister like that. 

Because of her jealousy, she didn't get what she wanted. She attracted negative energy through her words. She said that and God also the universe make that happened. She didn't want it but she attracted it. So, beware of your thoughts and mouth!

Instead of saying or thinking bad things to yourself or others, do and say good things because of their achievements. Congratulate them and pray the good things will happen to you too. Sometimes people envy because they can't do or have something due to their negative beliefs or another things. Even, some of them don't realize that they envy. If someone doesn't like when another person is successful, that person is jealous.

Unhealthy jealousy will kill you inside. Besides, it will destroy your dreams. Unless, you are jealous and make it as  motivation to get what you want. Why you can't do that while they can do it? Then, do your best!

You Don't Give Positive Affirmation to Yourself

Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

Most of us limit ourselves with negative beliefs. Sometimes, it's not enough if we just believe what we will get. 

For example, Simon believed he would get better job. But, he just believed it without presenting the feeling when he has got that job. That's the point. 

Presenting the feeling of what you wish is the key to get what you want. Of course, with the positive sentences. For instances in my case, I would say thanks God for giving me a healthy baby. I have gentle birth and it will be comfortable and safe for me and my baby. I'm going to have fast and easy labor. Thanks and I believe it. 

Try to have short sentences so that you can accept it easier than the long ones. Also, your mind can remember it so it will be more effective. Avoid using negative sentences. Instead of saying I won't get hurt, better to say I feel safe.

Blaming Others

Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

You really want to be fail over and over again when you don't accept what has happened to your life and blame others or the situation. 

People really like blaming others than themselves. It seems easier for them. But, successful people don't like to do that. How to stop it? Don't try to find others' mistakes or their secret. Just focus on yourself! 

When something happens to you, correct yourself first. Do not focus on others for any reason. 

You Give Up Easily

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

Feeling overwhelmed with your life? You think that you've done everything but actually you just give up. Who knows you just need one step closer? But, you give up before it happens. 

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. But, it doesn't always like that. Sometimes it just because of insecurity. Well, feeling insecure is not always wrong. Sometimes, we need that to motivate ourselves. But, when it becomes negative insecurity, beware!

Believe in yourself and you have your time to get what you want. Remember, we can't have the same things to others in the same time. You have your own version of success. Trust timing of your life. 

Yes, You Can!

Well, I hope you guys will get whatever you want. Just keep trying, believe in yourself, give positife affirmation to yourself with positive sentences and present that feeling. 



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